
An approved Digital Car Token (DCT) is a token that has been assessed and approved by the DCT program.  

An approved token is issued a token number, which must be displayed on the token itself. The token number is also published, with the cars particulars on the programs website for cross referencing. 

As detailed below if its not on the Registry website its a forgery. 


The REgistry



Creator - Partner

Our Partners (Registered Listers) are provided the opportunity to customize and independently market each Token in accordance with the enterprise Guidelines.

As a result tokens may appear slightly different between listers.

An example of the variations is shown opposite.

Token #236 

By Registered Lister 2201

Complies with Guidelines and is approved

Token #85

By Registered Lister 2207

Complies with Guidelines and is approved. 


Always check tokens for authenticity.

Some of the approved Tokens available at a NFT marketplace


It only takes a few minutes to do the cross check so why not to be sure.  

We are working on a searchable database that will make this process much simpler in the future. 

Our Partners have flexibility within the program to be ‘creative’ and personalize their tokens. We believe this brings an interesting element to the tokens. 

The Registrar is appointed by the enterprise program’s Board to independently assess each application (draft token). The Registrar has significant experience and knowledge in motor vehicles and uses a host of tools to verify applications.